Speaking of stuff: George Carlin said it well

Thanks to Ellen Hume for referring us to this great bit by George Carlin: “Stuff.”

The comments by Ellen (on Facebook) and others (attached to Carol’s post — Taming the Acquisition Monster) have me thinking about the important role of comments in this journey of ours into the downsized life. I’ll explore that topic in a subsequent post.

But Carlin’s sketch is too good not to share immediately. It’s worth a five-minute Friday afternoon break,  even if you watched way back when Carlin first performed it nearly 30 years ago. Carlin died in 2008.

3 thoughts on “Speaking of stuff: George Carlin said it well

  1. Thanks, Tom, but we’ve got a ways to go before we’re urban ascetics – we live in one of the nicest neighborhoods of one of the best cities in the country. We eat well, travel a lot and haven’t given the car up yet even though we don’t really need it.

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